Max Rate Calculator

Calculates maximum consumption/prodution rates of assemblers, plants, etc.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Max Rate causes crash with certain conditions when using Space Exploration

3 years ago

There's a crash that seems to happen when using Max Rate calculator while using a cargo rocket.
How it occurs:
Get into Cargo Rocket, launch it.
While launching, go into satellite mode and use Max Rate Calculator hotkey (Crtl + N).
If you click and drag buildings to get the max rate calculator while in satellite mode and after you arrive on the different surface, the game will crash.

I have other mods installed, such as Krastorio 2, but it might seem to be a problem with Max Rate calculator and Space Exploration (as far as I know)

3 years ago

Hmm, I'm going to need some help to fix this.

Could you post a screen shot of the crash (or does Factorio crash to desktop ?!? )

I've never played that mod, so I tried, using Creative Mod to see if I could reproduce it. I launched a satellite rocket and a cargo rocket to another planet, did the 'view surface' thing for another planet, put down an assembler, and brought up the Max Rate tool. It worked fine. The Max Rate tool seems to be ok in empty space, and in the solar system view (with no assemblers there it does nothing, but doesn't crash).

3 years ago

The steps are:
1) Get into cargo rocket
2) Launch rocket (with you still in it)
3) Go into satellite mode (Default hotkey is "N") (You'll know you're satellite mode when the "Navigation Satellite window on the left shows up. This will let you move the camera around, similar to viewing the map)
4) Press the Max Rate Calculator Hotkey AFTER the rocket has launched and you arrived in another surface (in this case, I was going to Nauvis Orbit) while you're still in satellite mode.
(In the video, I click dragged Max rate calculator to show the max rates for a few assemblers, so the MRC window shows up. I then press Ctrl + N again to use it and the crash occurs. Presumably, the crash occurs because I pressed the hotkey AFTER my character arrived on another surface)

Video of recreation:

Screenshot of crash:

3 years ago


Fixed in 3.4.47

New response