MLG FactOreo

😫Experience😫 2014 👌euphoria👌 and rack 🔝up☝ an 🔥EPIC💯 🔪kill streak💀 in 🤔what❔ might actually 🐝be🐝 the 👎worst👿 ⚙Factorio⚙ mod to ever 👀see👀 the 💡light🔦 of 🌞day🔆. Adds a new 'special' type of bullet magazine, and a sniper rifle (scope included but not encouraged [you scrub😠]) Yes the bullets work with turrets and vehicles

1 year, 9 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

b Crash in combination with factorissimo

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I'm getting a non-recoverable error when entering a factorissimo building when this mod is installed.
It was working at first, but after playing a while, this error shows up.
I suspect is has something to do with it trying to find one of the mlg entities on the main surface after going to a different surface.

Error while running event MLG_FactOreo::on_nth_tick(2)
There is no valid object with id 207201.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_visible'
__MLG_FactOreo__/control.lua:136: in function <__MLG_FactOreo__/control.lua:133>

2 years ago

I've made a pull request on github with a fix.

2 years ago

That's a good catch, thanks for the report and fix 😀

New response