MLG FactOreo

😫Experience😫 2014 👌euphoria👌 and rack 🔝up☝ an 🔥EPIC💯 🔪kill streak💀 in 🤔what❔ might actually 🐝be🐝 the 👎worst👿 ⚙Factorio⚙ mod to ever 👀see👀 the 💡light🔦 of 🌞day🔆. Adds a new 'special' type of bullet magazine, and a sniper rifle (scope included but not encouraged [you scrub😠]) Yes the bullets work with turrets and vehicles

1 year, 9 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Please add late game bullets/guns

3 years ago

Hi! I really like this mod but I notice that it doesn't scale very well into late game so I've been wondering if you could add bullets and guns for the later part of the games that can match piercing rounds/uranium rounds? Would also be really nice if we can get the same for rockets too. Thanks!

3 years ago

It'd be pretty easy to add a higher tier magazine that was essentially the same thing just with higher damage, but style wise I'm not sure how I would differentiate magazine tiers from each other besides maybe increased volume and effect size. What kind of effect would you like to see?

2 years ago

As far as I know there's no real differentiation between the different tiers of ammo in vanilla either except for the amount of damage that it does (and the icon itself of course). So I don't think you'd actually need to change anything to the visualizations.

Basically just add ammo-piercing meme ammo and uranium meme-ammo, each doing more damage than the previous one.

1 year, 11 months ago

Unfortunately it seems that the Meme magazines fall off in usefulness in the late game which is sad.

New response