by Klonan

Launch a M.I.R.V into orbit, then call it down for mass destruction

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Disabling autofire

4 years ago

Hi @Klonan, could you please move the autofire switch from startup settings to "normal" settings? It's heartbreaking to see your 600(!) pieces of U235 being randomly thrown away at some bugs when you didn't disable a "feature" you were unaware of some loooong time ago.

And for others who doesn't want to start all over again, unzip the mod (don't forget to throw away the original .zip) and modify line 196 (or a similar one somewhere around) of data.jua to be like this:

  disable_automatic_firing = true,  -- not settings.startup["mirv-auto-launch"].value,
4 years ago

Uh, a startup setting just means you have to toggle it from the main menu, not that you can't change it during a playthrough

4 years ago

Oh, I'm dumb, sorry for complaining =)

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