by Klonan

Launch a M.I.R.V into orbit, then call it down for mass destruction

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b unable to update to 0.18

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

after updating or traying to renable the mod to 0.18, I've recived Error message:

failing to load path way:
Path__mining_Drones__/data/tf_util/empty-sprite.png dose not match enabeld mod

Loading MIRV with Minig Drones (previosuly not install) dose function as workaround and enables loading the mod.

5 years ago


Fixed, thanks for the report

5 years ago

Seems like It’s still missing a file, resulting in an unable to load error:

5 years ago

same here

5 years ago

double oof

Thats what I get for not trying properly :D

5 years ago

Considering, you were updating at least two other mods...

New response