by Klonan

Launch a M.I.R.V into orbit, then call it down for mass destruction

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i FOBS - Fractional Orbital Bombardment System

7 years ago

You could rework the idea and take of the M.I.R.V. to Fractional Orbital Bombardment System:


During the Cold War, Soviets were developing Battle Field Commander accessible nuclear orbital bombardment support system that would allow a commander in the field to call down nukes from space on a target in question.

The system was build around the ability of of objects being capable to stay in orbit indefinitely if being given sufficient relative escape velocity. All our satellites are based on this. So what if, one engineer asked, we could place nuclear bombs with terminal guidance rocket engines into LEO, stacking up LEO with hundreds to thousands of weapons like in a rifle magazine, waiting for a need to arise to deploy them..within 5 minutes anywhere on the globe (in comparison to 50 minutes for regular ICBM MIRV if fired at the opposite side of the world). The weapon would be un-interceptible by anything, but for a ground based laser defence system. An ultimate doom weapon.

Basically. When you send a rocket with the package, you add a bomb to your counter at the top left counter. You can send there hundreds to thousands of bombs. Then in your inventory you can craft a targeting beacon. You place it and within 5 minutes a nuke explodes in that area and the counter decreases by one.

This could be automated with a auto-tracking station which will be dropping nukes on any nearby nests.

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