Dytech, Made by Dysoch
Updated to work with 0.13/0.14 by Valerate
Recomended to use with Cursed PI for the ability to control your inserters more. Use custom patch to have cursed ability to all inserters. Linked here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2qjbhl3iexnlo4/Cursed-PI_0.2.5.zip?dl=0
Dytech add many new tiers of most machines to make the game longer/faster. Every part ads more.
Metallurgy adds additional ore processing.
Machines add more machines.
War adds more enemies and equipment and defensive structures.
Power adds more tiers of power equipment.
Dynamic adds item collector for all the yummy monster loot.
Known Issues
Some items use the same icon's.
May be missing some localization names.