Luzivras Factorio Power

Adds Solarpannels and Accumulators MK 1-8, Mk1 = 8 Normal pannels/accumulators Each Mark, means times 8 in power (additional cost on higher tears, to make a balance for the space)

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Electric Boiler consumes more than it can output

4 years ago

As an example: Electric Boiler Mk.1 outputs 100 steam for 3MW of power, 3 Steam Engines take 90 steam and output 2.7MW of power. Adding on the last third of a leftover engine then adds up to 3MW of power in total, meaning it does literally nothing other than consume water and pollute.

4 years ago

i will check and update

4 years ago

Its not a bug its a feature.
by default the boiler has a kind of wire/spull in it which gets hot, also in real world it has a drawback were you cant transfer power without any losses
i could work in the next days on it to make a effciency setting, by default the
mk 1 has 60% efficiency
mk 2 has 70% efficiency
mk 3 has 80% efficiency
mk 4 has 95% efficiency

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