
by Zarnoo

Chop down trees within area

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.0

g Any problems ??

7 years ago

There is still some unused code in the mod which I am tidying up, but I wanted to keep it simple to start. If you get any problems, please post including details

7 years ago

Fixed a crash bug when you open another mod's gui. Let me know if you find anything else. Z

7 years ago

Fixed a crash bug when you open another mod's gui. Let me know if you find anything else. Z

7 years ago

Fixed a crash bug when you open another mod's gui. Let me know if you find anything else. Z

6 years ago

Can i ask why the tech for the electric sawmill is so goddamn expensive? Why does a simple tech like this require 3000 red and green tech? Not to mention the 1200 blue. Its way too much.

6 years ago

It was a first stab.. happy to take feedback (also the electric doesn't do anything special yet.. my idea was to give it an increased area, and faster chopping)

6 years ago

Ah ok. Well if you want my feedback, i suggest making it cost like 200 red and green and then an additional 200 blue science for the building and electric one respectively. I dont think the electric one needs anything special at all, the upgrade is already that it uses electricity. If you want to make it better, maybe give it some module slots?

6 years ago

hi. your mod is cool, but I'm confused by the animation. it is not bad, but the cyclicity is broken. There is not enough smoothness when moving from the end to the beginning of the animation. This defect is in the blades of the weather vane and in gears.
and you can add more in the description as the size of the cutting area.

5 years ago

I'm trying to sort out the size of the cutting area. The "idea" was the electric one would be bigger, but I ripped off the code from an old mod (I'm completely shameless about that!), and it's not well writtent so making that difficult, and I don't have the time to re-write from scratch.
As to the animation.. yep, stole those too (and I'm not a great graphical artist anyway)

5 years ago

Do you even plan to develop a mod? or do not care that the curve only worked???

5 years ago

I had to make significant changes to this one to make it work, but I didn't start from scratch. It's not about caring, as I could have just done this for me, and kept it for me.. I didn't "have" to share. It's about having time. If someone else has more time and wants to develop this mod, more than happy to hand it over to them

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