Longer Transport2 0.16.x DOnt used

I need to delete this one so i can reupload the fixed version can someone help me

6 years ago

g Help?

6 years ago

Why not add it as new fixed version in this same thread?

6 years ago

strange,u only need upload the new version,only this
maybe u changed the name

6 years ago

mod name must remain the same in order to successfully upload; "severely broken" versions of mods can be deleted if you truly wish to by clicking on the edit tab and then clicking the "x" icon. you can change the mod-post title in that same section, but the actual mod name must remain the same.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

also, for each upload (after you make changes) increment the version number inside of the info.json file . if there was a major bug that either prevented the mod from functioning at all, or caused other major issues, you can delete an old version, but you STILL want to increment the version number within the mod, so people who've downloaded and use the game's "check for update" feature will get the update correctly.

6 years ago

where is the delete button at

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