Logistics Wagons

by 1000101

Wagons for the logistics network

4 years ago

i Add Buffer Chest?

4 years ago

Potentially the most useful logistic entity for use as a rail wagon is currently missing - the buffer chest which can be used to request items at the loading station and supply at the unloading station.

Any cahnce of adding it??

4 years ago

Certainly possible, although I have no sprites for it nor the original models used to render the sprites so I'll have to do colour replacement (unless someone volunteers to provide some new sprites).

Anyway I can take a look at adding it, in theory it can be done with minimal effort.

4 years ago

StrayerJ has added a buffer wagon and I have approved the pull request on git-hub, I haven't yet done a colour remap to differentiate it from the storage wagon or a save migration script to unlock the wagon on saves where the tech is already researched so I haven't done a release on the mod portal here. Feel free however to try it out and see if it does what you need. (See the "Source" link on the "Information" tab.)

If you are StrayerJ on git-hub then thank-you for the submission, I'll try to get a proper release out Soon(tm).

4 years ago

Thank you will test it out during the next few days :)

4 years ago


Note: since adding the new item modified the tech-tree... if you have a save that already has it researched, you need to remove either force unlearn, then relearn the tech; Or you can disable mod, load game, save game, then re-enable mod and research again to unlock the buffer wagon.

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