Logistic Request Manager (continued)

by daeruun

Allows you to save and switch between custom logistic request presets, as well as request blueprints. Optionally presets can be pushed to constant combinators to use the circuit network to manipulate requests.

8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Logistic network

g [1.1.18]Cant find the mod button ingame

3 years ago

Hi! I am currently under a K2+SE playthrough, but I cant find the logistic bot button on upper left and seems cant find any way to access the mod ingame, the mod setting is there though.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi there.
The mod button will only appear if logistic slots are available.
There was a similar problem with nullius. If you have logistic slots, it should work. If it doesn't you can try the override in the settings.
Keep me updated, please.

3 years ago

Ty for the reply. I loaded the mod into my save file, which is far into the end game contents, and I can safely confirm logistic slots are all researched, and I tried overriding it in settings and still wont work.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi tony33,
it is possible, that the icon for the logistic bot is modified by K2 or SE or another mod.
That would also change the icon used by LRM.
Another thing you could try is the command /lrm force_gui.
If that doesn't work out, I will have to look into it, I guess.

3 years ago

Ty, it worked with the commands, the UI showed up :)

3 years ago

I'm glad that worked, but I still wonder why it was necessary.
On first load or player join or setting the override the code should have noticed that logistics are available...
Perhaps I should revisit these lines....

New response