Logistic Request Manager (continued)

by daeruun

Allows you to save and switch between custom logistic request presets, as well as request blueprints. Optionally presets can be pushed to constant combinators to use the circuit network to manipulate requests.

8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Logistic network

b [1.1.17] CTRL + ALT + LEFT CLICK [fixed]

3 years ago

Would appreciate it if you could put some dummy checks into the code that will prevent a game crash should I do something stupid like this again. Not fun to lose the progress I've made since my last auto-save and it could cause issues if this were to be taken advantage of by griefers in multiplayer. I push CTRL + ALT + LEFT CLICK at the same time when clicking on the blueprint icon with my blueprint, but other combinations might also cause something similar.

Error message:
The mod Logistic Request Manager (continued) (1.1.17) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event LogisticRequestManager::on_gui_click (ID 1)
min (50) must be <= max (1).
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'set_slot'
LogisticRequestManager/scripts/request-manager.lua:348: in function 'push_requests_to_autotrasher'
LogisticRequestManager/scripts/request-manager.lua:199: in function 'apply_preset'
LogisticRequestManager/scripts/request-manager.lua:62: in function 'request_blueprint'
LogisticRequestManager/control.lua:84: in function <LogisticRequestManager/control.lua:35>

3 years ago

I just did it again, this time was CTRL + V. Yup, that's right, paste. I was hovering over the blueprint drop icon again and wanted to bring up the blueprint I had just copied in order to request it. And WAM! Error as follows:

The mod Blueprint logistics requests (1.0.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event blueprint-request::on_player_cursor_stack_changed (ID 30)
Gui element with name blueprint-request-button already present in the parent element.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
blueprint-request/control.lua:28: in function <blueprint-request/control.lua:22>

3 years ago

Hello NightOps,

sorry you lost progress.

I'll look into it as soon as I can.

Do you have any noteable mods active that I should double-check?

3 years ago

That's another mod. Not LRM.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Ah, woops. Didn't pay enough attention to the mod causing it and immediately posted based on the fact that I was interacting with LRM at the time. Weird that it happened while using LRM though. I wasn't actually doing anything with the other mod at the time.
The notable mods I'd say are space-exploration & Krastorio2, being the two big ones.
As for the complete mod list:
"base", "aai-industry", "aai-programmable-structures", "aai-programmable-vehicles", "aai-signal-transmission", "aai-signals", "aai-zones", "Actual_Craft_Time", "AF-Infinite-Technology", "alien-biomes", "Armor_pockets", "assault-rifle", "assemblyanalyst", "AutoDeconstruct", "BatteryVehicleDisplay", "BetterBotsFixed", "Better_Asteroid_Mining", "blueprint_flip_and_turn", "Bottleneck", "bullet-trails", "ClosestFirstOneDotOne", "combat-mechanics-overhaul", "Configurable_Fuel_REUPLOADED", "DeathMarkers", "DoubleSpeedBelts", "Enhanced_Map_Colors", "epic_mining_and_crafting_speed_research", "equipment-gantry", "even-distribution", "Factorissimo2", "FARL", "Fill4Me", "flib", "fluid-void-extra", "Fluidless_Mining_and_Ore_Washing", "hazmat-suit", "inbuilt_lighting", "Infinizoom", "informatron", "inventory-repair", "jetpack", "KingsTurret-Shields", "krastorio-nuclear-fuel-compat-updated", "Krastorio2", "Krastorio2_BioLabModules", "Kux-OrbitalIonCannon", "LogisticRequestManager", "Max_Train_Brakes", "Moar-Radar", "module-requestor", "more-minimap-autohide-017", "Nanobots", "NextGenEvolution", "no-wall-repair", "NoRespawnGun-Updated", "Noxys_QuickerStumpFade", "Nuclear Fuel", "Personal-Roboport-Mk3", "railloader", "RateCalculator", "resourceMarker", "reverse-factory", "robot_attrition", "SchallEndgameEvolution", "SchallUraniumProcessing", "Shield-FX-Updated", "Shortcuts-ick", "show-max-underground-distance", "smr", "space-exploration", "space-exploration-graphics", "space-exploration-postprocess", "space-factorissimo-updated", "SpawnControl", "Squeak Through", "stdlib", "there-is-my-ghost", "Todo-List", "TrainSpeeds", "Transport_Drones", "tree_collision", "Turbwhine", "useful_equipment_bump", "VehicleSnap", "Vehicle_Radar", "VisionRadar", "VoidChestPlus", "vtk-armor-plating", "walkable-beacons", "walls-block-spitters", "WireShortcuts", "ZElectricVehicles", "zk-lib"

3 years ago

I found the culprit for your first post.
Will be fixed in the next release.

3 years ago

Awesome! Thanks.

3 years ago

I just pushed the update to the portal.

New response