Logistic Request Manager (continued)

by daeruun

Allows you to save and switch between custom logistic request presets, as well as request blueprints. Optionally presets can be pushed to constant combinators to use the circuit network to manipulate requests.

8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Logistic network

i Alt click "Load preset" button to subtract requests [complete]

3 years ago

e.g. If you are done using yellow belt tech and have it in its own preset you can then subtract it out of your current requests using the tool.

The same feature could be useful for the blueprint drop as well however the alt modifier is already consumed there so I'm not sure what modifier would be best.

3 years ago

Hi dag_,
problem here is, all modifiers are used on all buttons and I don't want to change that.
But I just remembered it is possible to distinguish between left, right and middle click...
I think it is possible to add a rightclick to remove from requests when clicking blueprint or the apply-button.
I'll think about it.

3 years ago

Right clicking sounds good. I have another mod added right now just to be able to subtract a blueprint from my requests.
Blueprint logistics requests has this feature; you could probably splice it from there.

3 years ago

I just pushed an update to the portal.
Rightclick on the Blueprint item (with a blueprint) or on the apply button will subtract the given Blueprint or selected presets request.min-values from existing requests. (Most) modifiers are applied as with leftclick.

3 years ago

Oh, feedback on this is welcome ;-)

New response