Logistic Assembling Machine

A new tier of Assembling Machine and Chemical Plants that works like a requester/provider chest and a Medium Electric Pole.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g UPS impact

5 years ago

How much impact does this have on UPS? Or is UPS even going to be better because less items (no need for extra chests and inserter?)?

I just came across your list of mods and it's awesome! Would be great if you could always make a small note about the UPS impact in your mod descriptions. Thanks you for all the time you put into this!

5 years ago

Ddidderr.. thanks. XD. I will be more carefuly with the ups info... i end up dont seeing this important thing on the game. The impact of this mod particularly is less animations, because all items are there, but invisible... i will make some tests in this and other mods to put the ups observation....

5 years ago

Sorry for the delay on response.. i lost the track from this mod

New response