
A charging mod that will recharge batteries in vehicles and power armor when near a charging pole.

2 years ago
0.14.0 - 1.1
7 years ago
Latest Version:
1.2.4 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.14.0 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
713 users

What does this mod do?

This mod adds "charging poles" which recharge batteries in nearby player's and vehicle's inventories. This mod also includes a fairly powerful electric train, which has a very high top speed but requires batteries in its grid to run.

The Localized Charging Pole will recharge all nearby chargeable targets, but only vehicles specifically marked as electric will be able to move without their normal fuel source. There is an API for other mods to designate their vehicles as electric.

How does the charging work?

Charging has only 50% efficiency. The power poles work in enormous spikes (which you'll see as lightning bolts) every half second, rather than continuously. Using these without a sufficient buffer can cause minor blackouts when something is charging.

If multiple targets are in range of a single charging pole its available power will be evenly split between both entities.

For the sake of performance in larger games the poles only search for exhausted batteries every 5 seconds, so it may take a moment for a pole to begin charging. This means that typically they will only charge a train if it stops nearby.