Loader Redux

by Optera

Adds Loaders. Rewritten add-loader with new loader snapping logic and graphics.

1 year, 6 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g [rejected] Circuit Network connection

2 years ago

It would be awesome to be able to Set Filters just like we do with Filter inserters. I often have a constant combinator hooked up to 10 filter inserters and set the constant combinator to output 1 of an entity like Copper. Then when I copy and paste that, I only have to update the constant combinator. With Loaders I have to copy the filters - not a big deal, but I also can't see what the filter is in the loaders like you can with the constant combinator and filter inserter in ALT mode. Awesome MOD - seriously required for extremely large maps(going on 274 hours in SE!) Thanks!

2 years ago

The Loader prototype has no circuit connector.
However filters can be set manually and are kept in blueprints.

New response