Loader Redux

by Optera

Adds Loaders. Rewritten add-loader with new loader snapping logic and graphics.

1 year, 6 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g [invalid] Missing Loaders

3 years ago


I added your mod to load trains faster but it is not giving me all loaders for all belt types.
Normaly, like your image states it, you are adding loaders for yellow, red, blue, purple and green belts but there aren't any of purple or even green loaders not even while checking FNEI not even while checking the Tech Tree.

So is this a bug or where are these vanilla loaders gone? Normaly for each belt tech there should be one loader added automaticly which is possible,
without destructing any UPS.

3 years ago

Do you use boblogistics to get these faster belts or some other mod?
LR only supports boblogistics. Any other mod has to use my API to create loaders by themselves.

3 years ago

We can not use bobs mods as it is an SE+KR2 gameplay which blacklists bobs and other big overhaul mods as they would conflict with each other ;)

3 years ago

There's your problem.
SE or KR2 need to create and register their own loaders. either in the main mod or as Sub mod.

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