Advanced Furnaces 2 SpaceAgeFix

Adds 5 furnaces whose crafting speed depends on the transport-belt speed * 3. Energy consumption and pollution is appropriate. In the settings, you can increase energy consumption. Сan work with other mods for example angelssmelting, bobplates, PY, IndustrialRevolution. fixed bad code and angelssmelting. added Bio Industries stuff. please report bugs or ideas. Language en, ru, de, fi, br.

a month ago

i Circuit Connection

28 days ago

I noticed the furnaces from this mod don't support circuit connections, but they support connecting to the logistic network. Could you add circuit connection support? I'd like to be able to set the recipe dynamically using circuits, but can't currently.

27 days ago

i am not familiar with circuits, so I will try when I have time, added to the todo list.

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