Advanced Furnaces 2 SpaceAgeFix

Adds 5 furnaces whose crafting speed depends on the transport-belt speed * 3. Energy consumption and pollution is appropriate. In the settings, you can increase energy consumption. Сan work with other mods for example angelssmelting, bobplates, PY, IndustrialRevolution. fixed bad code and angelssmelting. added Bio Industries stuff. please report bugs or ideas. Language en, ru, de, fi, br.

19 days ago

b Won't load [Fixed]

3 months ago
Failed to load mods: __Load-Furn-2-SpaceAgeFix__/data-final-fixes.lua:11: Path __Load-Furn-2__/prototypes/furnaces/recipesFix.lua does not match any enabled mod.
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'require'
    __Load-Furn-2-SpaceAgeFix__/data-final-fixes.lua:11: in main chunk

Please, may I ask you to test your mods before uploading. Thank you

3 months ago

shit, changing the mod name break it, just upload a quick fix

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