Liquid Ore Conversion

by Cyfagy

Ore can convertet into Mineral Liquid and than into another Ore. Works with Bob Ores.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Question: Support for modded ores?

2 years ago

Just a quick question - does this mod support (or could it potentially support) ores added by other mods? I've been toying around with Picklock's Fusion Power recently and I noticed that I couldn't ore-convert the custom Lithium ore. It's not a massive deal given how I use the converter, but I was just curious.

1 year, 11 months ago

want to suggest ore from darkstar that also added lithium tho there are no conversion also titanium from ModMash would be great if that could be added as well ? thanks in advance.

1 year, 11 months ago

it also seems u haven't added Thorium to the list of Bob's ores

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