关联箱,容量48,堆叠100,10个红瓶研究可用,只需一个铁板就能做 默认link_id为0;当第一次放置link_id为0的箱子是会自动将link_id设为1,第二次设为2... 复制已放置的关联箱产生的关联箱link_id相同
Version: 1.0.3 Date: 2022-04-19 Changes: - 更改容量为48,堆叠为100,非管理员可设置关联
Version: 1.0.2 Date: 2021-02-23 Changes: - Add independent technology to the LinkedChest to prevent conflicts with other mods.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2020-11-29 Bugfixes: - item-name in base are repeated, adjust the item-name. Changes: - Adjust the default inventory size of the LinkedChest to 800.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2020-11 Info: - First release.