Lgks Evil ModPack

by Lgk

A modpack aimed to be as hard as possible.

Mod packs
5 years ago
This mod 124 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 124 Required 64 Conflict 0 Optional 60 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 14.6M
base -
space-exploration-hr-graphics 23.0K
AAI-CraftTab 26
aai-industry 524K
aai-programmable-structures 124K
aai-programmable-vehicles 169K
aai-signal-transmission 516K
aai-signals 166K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner 148K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank 136K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler 131K
aai-vehicles-hauler 145K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank 167K
aai-vehicles-miner 173K
aai-vehicles-warden 139K
aai-zones 124K
alien-biomes 615K
angels-smelting-extended 18.2K
angelsaddons-oresilos 670
angelsaddons-petrotrain 497
angelsaddons-pressuretanks 596
angelsaddons-smeltingtrain 417
angelsaddons-warehouses 916
angelsbioprocessing 180K
angelsextended-remelting 31
angelsindustries 103K
angelspetrochem 202K
angelsrefining 205K
angelssmelting 197K
AutoDeconstruct 291K
beltSorter 39.5K
better-air-filtering 10.3K
Better_Angels_Smelting 25
bobassembly 262K
bobelectronics 245K
bobenemies 249K
bobequipment 228K
bobinserters 347K
boblibrary 397K
boblogistics 294K
bobmining 258K
bobores 258K
bobplates 257K
bobpower 267K
bobrevamp 220K
bobtech 235K
bobvehicleequipment 183K
bobwarfare 264K
Bob_Power_Fix 34
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear 19.5K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals 18.1K
Clowns-Nuclear 24.4K
Clowns-Processing 22.0K
Clowns-Science 14.8K
Dark_Matter_Replicators_Replicated 17
Deadlock-AAII-bridge 14.3K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 106K
deadlock-experiments 3.18K
deadlock-integrations 33.5K
Deadlock-SE-bridge 28.7K
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs 53
DeadlockCrating 16.9K
DeadlockCrating_Integrations 13
DeadlocksStackingForPyanadon 10.2K
DivOresity 1.73K
EAB 12
even-distribution 416K
EvoGUI 109K
expanded-rocket-payloads 43
extendedangels 8.08K
Factorissimo2 222K
factoryplanner 260K
Flow Control 190K
ForceFields2 7.85K
GlobalWarming 839
HandyHands 10.1K
Hexy_AngelBob_Tweaks 14
Hexy_MadClown_Tweaks 8
InfiniteTech 41.7K
LgksRecipeModifications 58
LightedPolesPlus 89.9K
LogisticTrainNetwork 253K
LSlib 61.0K
miniloader 192K
Mobile_Factory 10.8K
ModuleInserter 140K
Natural_Evolution_Enemies 15.5K
Noxys_Swimming 7.14K
Noxys_Waterfill 28.5K
only-smelting 82
OpteraLib 434
PCPRedux 9.68K
Powered_Entities 2.05K
Prospector 3.58K
pycoalprocessing 70.6K
PyCoalTBaA 4.66K
pyfusionenergy 65.7K
pyhightech 60.1K
pyhightechrealmode 7
pyindustry 70.1K
pypetroleumhandling 61.9K
pyrawores 62.3K
pyveganism 1.02K
qol_research 184K
Rampant 124K
Repair_Turret 103K
reverse-factory 63.6K
robotMiningSite 13.8K
robot_attrition 495K
Rocket-Silo-Construction 39.3K
Sandros-fixes 4.26K
ShinyAngelGFX 238
ShinyBobGFX 311
ShinyIcons 155
space-exploration 483K
space-exploration-graphics 480K
space-exploration-postprocess 477K
SpaceMod 102K
stdlib 406K
Swarmageddon 6.55K
xcompat_bobvehicleequipment 1.99K
ZpmWaterAsAResource 5
Last dependency data update: 2 hours ago (for v0.0.3)