Landfill Painting

Adds some different types of terrain landfill. Allows landfill to overwrite existing terrain

1 year, 3 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Sometimes I get ghost landfill on top of landfill

2 years ago

Any chance to include a setting to disable the overwrite existing terrain feature? I keep ending up with landfill ghosts on top of landfill. They are the same entity because they were put down with the same blueprint. I'd uninstall this mod, but it's required with Seablock.

2 years ago

There's a mod setting to enable terrain variations. When the setting is enabled, you can cycle through the variations using the Rotate key (R).

In practice, this setting doesn't work well. If you rotate a blueprint you get a different texture, causing a ghost over existing landfill.

I assume that you have the setting enabled? If so, try disable it. The only times you should then get landfill ghosts over existing landfill if using different types. E.g. pasting grass over sand.

Pasting landfill over existing island in Sea Block will not consume landfill.

2 years ago

Thanks! I'll give that a try!

2 years ago

Actually, it looks like that's already disabled.

2 years ago

Okay. Not too surprising. It's off by default.

How many different types of landfill are you using?

2 years ago

Just one, as far as I know. All of my blueprints only show the tile "landfill"

1 year, 11 months ago

Can you post a screenshot please? I can't recreate this 🤔

1 year, 11 months ago

I'll try to get that next time it happens. It's pretty inconsistent and feels random. Some times an entire block will get ghost landfill. Sometimes it will just be under entities, though. Like I'll notice it more underneath my train tracks that are already placed, while the empty space doesn't have that problem.

1 year, 11 months ago

Here's what I mean by it happening under entities.
I have a big blueprint with my train grid and landfill. I usually place it once, holding shift, then once the bots are done filling in the landfill, I place it again to get the entities. The second place is what causes this. Entity inspector on the blueprint, and the ghost tile refers to them as "landfill". Do you know if there is a way to inspect the placed tile to confirm it's still regular landfill?

1 year, 11 months ago

Oooh. A clue!
So, I figured out how to inspect a placed tile, and the placed ones that are under ghosts are showing up as "unbreakable-landfill-2" from Landfill Plus. I'll try removing that mod, maybe the issue is there. Not sure how that is happening, because the blueprint only shows regular landfill. Sorry if the issue was unrelated to this mod. I've been loving SeaBlock, by the way. Thanks for making and continuing to support it!

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