Landfill Everything Continued deprecated

by schmorp

This mod adds a button that will put a landfill tile under every entity if you have a blueprint in hand. Supports Dectorio and Platforms landfill tiles! Very useful for complex reactor setups and blueprinting rail.

3 years ago

g New owner?

3 years ago

I'am happy to see some activity again on the Landfill Everything mod. As i am a beginner in modding, i decided to share a rough "fix" i used personally to revive the good old mod which has been quiet for months now. I noticed the first bug as well, and intended to fix these after my day job. Gratz on fixing bugs before i could.

I am now thinking to depricate my "fork" as having 1 LE mod is essential, 2 are not. At least the resuscitation was succesful.
However in the short time of having online i got two suggestions from other players which may be worth sharing to you to take in consideration:
-Support for space platform scaffolding and space platform plating
-Hiding the button when not holding blueprints

3 years ago

Wow, I waited for weeks for somebody to take over this mod, and in between checking that nobody did it and deciding to do it myself you did it as well - there was literally only a few hour window in which I fixed it and uploaded it :)

I'm not happy at doing user interface, and mostly want a working mod. I also would have some feature requests (such as padding and/or filling small holes) but overall, I'd be rather happy if somebody else would do all extra work.

I think my fix for the bounding box formula is the most correct one out there, so if you wanted to take over, I would suggest taking that part and continuing there.

Of course, since I feel you are pretty much like me ("I only did it because nobody else did"), it seems we'd both be happy to deprecate our forks...

We could put up a common repository somewhere (gitlab would be my preference, I can set it up if you want me to) and join forces, and/or abondon the mod again together, too :-)

What are your thoughts?

3 years ago

That is a happy coincidence. You are right, main goal is already passed, we can finally landfill again.

We also both see ways to optionally further improve the mod. Excluding offshore pumps is a thing i do want, all the other things are for me mainly for practice, as a learning subject.
This fork is more neat base then mine, so that should be the one to build on and keep for the community in my opinion. If i am able to come up with modifications, I could provide them via git. I have the feeling in the end this would be the best for the mod itself, as this workflow is most solid.

However it's a small mod, I could also update my file with your additions, and build from there (and welcome any additions). I'm fine with trying to support it for a while.

3 years ago

If you are willing to sink time and effort into it, just update your file, the only important change was to remove the rail_offset code and fix the bounding box formula and do some minor non-changing improvements:

                local start_x = math.floor(pos.x - width / 2.0)
                local start_y = math.floor(pos.y - height / 2.0)
                for x = 0, width - 1, 1 do
                    for y = 0, height - 1, 1 do
                        tileIndex = tileIndex + 1
                        new_tiles[tileIndex] = { name =, position = { start_x + x, start_y + y } }

I'll deprecate this one once I have switched to your version.

3 years ago

Also, thinking about it more, correct would probably to calculate the bounding box from floor(x - width) to ceil(x + width), not using width and height, I'll update the mod with that.

3 years ago

Actually, I am reworking the whole mask business, it seems the current algorithm is very wrong in a lot of corner cases that fortunately do not affect most entities.

Maybe we actually should collaborate, why don't you work on the UI, and I work on fixing that damn algorithm? :)

3 years ago

Alright, i will look into that

3 years ago

Love you guys :)

3 years ago

The original author is back and has said he'll continue working on his mod, which sounds good enough for me.

New response