Landfill Everything deprecated

Thanks to new Factorio 2.0 QoL improvements, this is a functionality in the game itself. No need for a mod to add landfill anymore. Thank you all This mod adds a button that will put a landfill tile under every entity if you have a blueprint in hand. Very useful for complex reactor setups and blueprinting rail.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Landfill under lights is off - factorio version 1.0.0

4 years ago

There seems to be a problem placing landfill under lights.
This blueprint doesn't get landfill placed properly:
Resulted in this for me after landfilling:

Is this easy to fix?
I haven't worked on mods other than to use them, but I am a software guy so could probably fix this given the mod source. Is it available somewhere? I didn't look yet - but it may just be in the mod itself.

New response