Landfill Everything deprecated

Thanks to new Factorio 2.0 QoL improvements, this is a functionality in the game itself. No need for a mod to add landfill anymore. Thank you all This mod adds a button that will put a landfill tile under every entity if you have a blueprint in hand. Very useful for complex reactor setups and blueprinting rail.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Doesn't work

5 years ago

Doesn't work. Clicking the button makes it flash yellow. But it doesn't stay yellow to indicate it's active. Clicking to place a blueprint returns the error that you can't build on deep water. Doesn't work with placing single rails either.

5 years ago

I have been having a slight Factorio break, but I just tried it in the current version and it works just fine. Maybe this is a usage issue? You have to keep the blueprint in the cursor and then click the landfill button. After that you should have landfill tiles in the current blueprint, and you need to shift-click to get your bots to place the tiles (and after that, shift-click again to place the blueprint. This is a Factorio limitation and nothing to do with the mod).

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