Landfill Everything deprecated

Thanks to new Factorio 2.0 QoL improvements, this is a functionality in the game itself. No need for a mod to add landfill anymore. Thank you all This mod adds a button that will put a landfill tile under every entity if you have a blueprint in hand. Very useful for complex reactor setups and blueprinting rail.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Crash if blueprint contains only tiles

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

This is an unusual scenario, but the error message does say "please report this error". If I have a blueprint that contains only tiles (no entities), and use that to click on the Landfill Everything button, I get the following error:

The mod Landfill Everything caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event LandfillEverything::on_gui_click (ID 1)
LandfillEverything/control.lua:40: attempt to get length of local 'entities' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
LandfillEverything/control.lua:40: in function 'add_landfill'
LandfillEverything/control.lua:176: in function <LandfillEverything/control.lua:168>

I was thinking I might be able to use concrete to layout the planned shape for a chunk of landfill. I was also hoping I could use concrete to indicate areas of my nuclear blueprint where I don't want holes in the landfill. (This doesn't do what I hoped. My alternative approach is to put lamps in all the gaps.)

Thank you for this mod. I've found it very handy for building nuclear reactors, and also useful for allowing rail intersections or arbitrary factory builds to overlap the edges of inconvenient lakes.

If I can tack on a feature request: It would be nice if this mod could have an optional dependency on the Platforms mod, and allow adding platforms to a blueprint instead of landfill.

5 years ago

Thank you for your report, it's always the edge cases that get you!

Currently the mod removes all existing tiles in a blueprint because I was afraid of clashes, but I plan to add alternative behaviour for that.

I will look into Platform - I've also had a suggestion and a patch for adding Dectorio landfill so adding Platform should be doable I hope.

New response