Landfill Everything deprecated

Thanks to new Factorio 2.0 QoL improvements, this is a functionality in the game itself. No need for a mod to add landfill anymore. Thank you all This mod adds a button that will put a landfill tile under every entity if you have a blueprint in hand. Very useful for complex reactor setups and blueprinting rail.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Crash when converting BP

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Hello, I am getting the following bug when trying to use this mod in game. This happens right when I click the ui button to add landfill. I've also included the blueprint string for you to test as well. You should probably also know that I was using dectorio when I got this crash, maybe there is some renaming that is done by that mod that causes incompatibility?



The mod Landfill Everything caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event LandfillEverything::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Tile can't be used in blueprints: grass-1
stack traceback:
LandfillEverything/control.lua:177: in function <LandfillEverything/control.lua:168>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'set_blueprint_tiles'
LandfillEverything/control.lua:177: in function <LandfillEverything/control.lua:168>




Upon further digging it seems dectorio changes the landfill tile prototype name to "dect-landfill" changing the name of the tile in control.lua fixed my crash, but I'm sure there is a more elegant fix that can be done by auto-detecting if dectorio is present.

6 years ago

Yup, last update changed the landfill tile to be "landfill" instead of "grass-1" which temporarily broke the mod. Uploading new version as we speak!

New response