LaboriousLaboratory - Research by drinking the science packs! deprecated

by Qon

Manually achieve technological prowess without a lab! Why automate research when it can be a slow and laborious process that you have to micromanage? Maybe automate it with my mod HandyHands for extra silliness?

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

a Known issues

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

If you set the speed multiplier to something crazy high, like 100, then when your science packs run out you still get 100 seconds of research progress even if you only had enough for 5 seconds. Don't set the speed too high if this bothers you. Might fix later.

Also, the packs might get drained very slightly different from what they should due to rounding errors. For example, you can end up with a red pack with 0.001% durability after crafting 10 red packs and researching automation. This doesn't really affect anything.

Crafting "Technological Progress!" in assemblers is possible. I'll try to disable it later. But they just disappear when you pick them up so it doesn't affect anything.

Edited this post to remove some fixed bugs

5 years ago

"Technological Progress!" crafted when no research is running stay in inventory.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

"Technological Progress!" crafted when no research is running stay in inventory.

It's listed as a known issue ;) Maybe it wasn't so clear:

My attempt to make sure no "Technological Progress!" items ended up in your inventory accidentally disabled the mod from doing anything. Now I'm doing it properly, but currently, you might get 1 progress in your inventory. Should be fixed in 1.0.3... Oops.

1.0.2 is the latest released version.

I can upload 1.0.3 but it hasn't been tested that much...
Ehh whatever, what could possibly go wrong? I'll upload 1.0.3 :s

EDIT: Uploaded 1.0.3 :S holds thumbs*

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