LTN Language Pack

Localizations for LTN, LTN Manager, LTN Cleanup, LTN Combinator, LTN Combinator Modernized, LTN Content Reader, Space Exploration LTN integration mods. Locales included: Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Czech, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian. Contribute on Crowdin (link in mod info page).

4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Compatibility with other similar mods

2 years ago

Good day! I want to use your mod to add Russian localization to some non-Russian mods.

Tell me please! if I connect other similar mods in parallel, where there are localizations that are missing here - will they conflict? Since some localizations in them duplicate each other.

What's the best way to do it?


2 years ago

Localizations will not conflict.
Strings are loaded in mod load order. If there are multiple strings with the same name, the last one loaded will be the most relevant.

2 years ago

Thanks a lot!

New response