Deadlock's Stacked Mining

Adds a mining planner that allows you to mark ores to be mined directly as their stacked version.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.0


Version: 0.1.17
Date: 30.09.2020
    - Fixed an issue when used together with AAI Industry and Pressurized Barrels
Version: 0.1.16
Date: 25.09.2020
    - Cursed Filter Mining Drill is now compatible
        - Fixed from the mod author from his end
    - Some minor non game-changing changes of the code
Version: 0.1.15
Date: 24.09.2020
    - Added a entity and item description for the High pressure offshore pump in the locale
    - Fixed a bug with the High pressure offshore pump (pointed out by Larandar)
        - The fluid of the offshore pump was hardcoded but some mods change it to something else other than water
    - The order of the High pressure offshore pump is now also softcoded
    - Fixed that with AAI Industry the pipe connection of the High pressure offshore pump were displayed incorrectly
    - Fixed a bug that the icon_size of the High pressure offshore pump was not set correctly when some other mod adjust
      that value
    - Fixed the issue that in some cases when a mod was changing the recipe of the offshore pump the recipe of the High
      pressure offshore pump messed up
Version: 0.1.14
Date: 23.09.2020
    - Added an option to adjust the graphics of ores:
        - If enabled, the "stage_counts" of ores that are marked for stacked mining are changed in such a way that the same 
          graphics are used as before they were marked
        - "stage_counts" is a list of values that define which stage of the animation is used depending on the amount of an 
          ore patch
        - Leaving this setting disabled makes it easier to distinguish between normal ore and ore marked for stacked mining, 
          because of the change of the graphics. However, ore patches with a low amount of ore can look quite barren
        - default: disabled
    - Added GENERAL-LICENSE.txt and CREDITS.txt
    - Renamed "Stacked mining planner" to "Resource compression planner"
    - With Mining Drones enabled, the recipes for mining stacked ores in Mining Depots are now sorted into their own subgroup
    - Temporary marked the mod Cursed Filter Mining Drill again as incompatible
Version: 0.1.13
Date: 22.09.2020
    - Changes with Mining Drones:
        - Fixed that outdated ore icons are used for the mining recipes of stacked ores in Mining Depots, even if a mod like 
          Deadlock Stacking for Vanilla is installed (highly recommended)
        - Change to the order of the recipes in Mining Depots, normal ores and their stacked version are now next to each other
    - Added support for Angel's Fissures
    - Fixed incompatibility with Cursed Filter Mining Drill
    - Fixed issues with Crude Oil when the option to make it finite was enabled in Krastorio 2
    - Fixed a crash that occured when selecting an Angel's Fissure with the mod Cursed Filter Mining Drill enabled
Version: 0.1.12
Date: 21.09.2020
    - Fixed a crash
Version: 0.1.12
Date: 21.09.2020
    - Added an option to add a High pressure offshore pump:
        - Outputs High-pressurized water directly, but at a lower rate than a normal offshore pump
        - The pressurized output/second is adjusted automatically depending on the fluid compression rate selected in the 
          settings of Pressurized fluids, meaning the (uncompressed) output/second stays the same overall
    - If FactorioExtended-Plus Transport is enabled a High pressure offshore pump Mk2 is added
Version: 0.1.10
Date: 21.09.2020
    - Added compatibility for Pressurized fluids
    - Resources of the category "basic-fluid" (like crude oil) can be marked to be extracted as their high-pressure version:
        - Similar to ores, the mining time and the depletion amount (how much the field's yield is decreased each cycle)
          for those marked resources are adjusted depending on the fluid compression rate selected in the settings of 
          Pressurized fluids
    - Temporary marked the mod Cursed Filter Mining Drill as incompatible
Version: 0.1.9
Date: 19.09.2020
    - Some changes so that infinite resources are handled correctly
        - for infinite resources the amount is no longer changed when converting it to its stacked version and vise versa
        - the infinite_depletion_amount is now correctly adjusted depending on the stackSize for infinite resources
    - Merged the settings for "Allow overwrite of Stack size" and "Compression factor (Stack size)" into a single setting, 
      with default set to disabled and allowed values the same as in Deadlock's Stacking
    - Added some safety checks to prevent edge cases from causing issues
    - The selection tool now only selects entities of the type resource
        - before it was selecting all entities and only checking inside the control function what type they are
    - Fixed an incompatibility with Angel's Infinite Ores that caused a crash
Version: 0.1.8
Date: 09.09.2020
    - New icon for the Stacked mining planner
    - Minor changes to the locale
    - Minor changes to the code to make it cleaner
    - Removed any remaining debug code
    - Fixed the dates in the changelog
Version: 0.1.7
Date: 18.08.2020
    - Changed the graphic for the Stacked Ore Mining Technology
        - the new icon is based on the newest graphic from the base game that were changed in version 0.18.43
    - Added support for Imersite for Krastorio2 (resource category "kr-quarry")
    - Changed version to 1.0.0 (still works perfectly fine with 0.18)
    - Fixed some errors in the changelog
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 03.08.2020
    - Fixed the combatibility issue with VortiK's Deep core mining
    - Removed some debug code
    - Fixed the bug that caused calculation of the fluid capacity of a miner to fail in case of the miner having a
      input_fluid_box but no height value specified, because 1 isn't applied as the default until the end of data stage
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 03.08.2020
    - Made changes to thechangelog.txt to make long lines more readable
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 03.08.2020
    - A stacked version of ores from mods is created even if no add-on is installed that adds support for these ores
    - Revised major portions of the code responsible for creating the stacked version of ores
    - Moved the stacked ore generation to "data-updates.lua" to make sure that it runs after other mods have declared 
      new resources
    - Now a stacked version for EVERY ores is created, not just those on a whitelist
    - Replaced entity.minable.result with entity.minable.results instead, to account for some modded ores that might 
      have more than 1 mining result
    - Added localised strings with parameters to use for the names of the stacked ores, instead of a list of all ores 
      that has to be extended for each mod
    - Replaced the function that checks if an entity is a valid stacked-ore / ore in control.lua with a new function 
      that don't rely on a list
    - Removed the whitelist of valid ores in control.lua, because if it no longer needed
    - Increased the amount of fluid an electric miner can hold, because to start a mining operation the fluid capacity 
      of a miner has to be the same/bigger than the amount of fluid required to complete 10 mining operations
        - The fluid capacity of a vanilla miner was only 200, making mining impossible with a stack size setting 
          higher than 20 for uranium ore
        - Added a function that checks if miners added by mods have a high enough fluid capacity for the selected stack 
          size settings
        - If not, then their fluid capacity is overwritten and set to a high enough value (capacity >= amount of fluid 
          needed for 2 mining operations 
    - Moved code that checks if a stacked version of the ore item exists and that in case it does not, create it, into 
      a separate function
        - Now uses the names of the mining results as an argument and not the name of the ore, in case the mining result 
          is something completly different from the ore (eg. Gemstones from Bobs)
    - Fixed the bug that in case of high stack size settings the fluid capacity of a miner was not high enough to start 
      a mining operation as mentioned above
    - Fixed that fluid_amount was not adjusted correctly for ores that require fluids to mine, like "uranium ore 
      (marked for stacked mining)"
       - Now the correct amount of fluid is used up when an ore is mined, taking into acount the increased stack size 
         of the ore that are marked for stacked mining
    - Fixed the bug that in case of the gemstones resource from Bobs a stacked version of the item named gem-ore was 
      created, instead of the mining results of the gemstones resource 
    - Support for the mod Pressurized fluids (High-pressurized oil etc.)
    - Support for new modded resource categories, e.g. Imersite from Krastorio 2 (this mod currently only supports 
      resources of the category "basic-solid")
    - Support for Deadlock's Crating Machine as an alternative to Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders
Version: 0.1.3 (not public)
Date: 01.08.2020
    - Added support for ores from angels/bobs
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 31.07.2020
    - Public release