Kruise Kontrol Updated

WARNING: This mod does not support quality at the moment and it will cause issues like using normal item from inventory when placing quality item. Hit Kruise Kontrol and let it take care of your problems. Currently updated version only has major bugfixes, no new features.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

i If possible, add a checkbox to mod's settings "ignore trees and rocks".

11 months ago

I know it probably isn't possible since this mod just uses biters' pathfinding code, but what if it is possible. The option would be very useful for driving a tank (or any other vehicle that takes no damage on collision/flies).
Thank you for updating the mod to work on the latest game version. Since discovering it, it's my #1 mod to install.

2 months ago

It is possible to add exceptions for tank to ignore obstacles but it would potentially introduce other problems such as getting stuck when it slows down a lot, destroying friendly buildings.

a month ago

I looked into it a bit more but the pathing function Factorio provides does not allow me to give specific stuff to ignore. If i wanted pathing to go through trees, the most i could get it was either;

ignoring everything on ground, including cliffs and friendly buildings and just taking water and lava into account when pathing
ignore water, lava and buildings when pathing but take cliffs into account

None of which was ideal because it meant vehicle would get stuck easily. So i had to leave it like this for now. Mech armor solves the issue since it can fly over everything but i do understand it takes a while to get it. If anyone could inform me of a way to achieve this using request_path, i'll happily update the mod.

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