Krastorio Exploration deprecated

This modpack consists big 2 mods krastorio 2 including space exploration, including some helper mods. This pack is designed to disable ending from krastorio2, the actually victory you must win in SPACE.

Mod packs
4 years ago


Version: 0.0.7-0.0.8
Date: 2020.03.05
		- Removed: Factorio reach, replaced with RPGSystem for balancing purpose. Evogui.
		- Added: QuickItemSearch, StatsGui, RPGsystem. Tweaked RPGSystem reach to be easier. Removed starter miner from starting point.
Version: 0.0.6
Date: 2020.02.17
		- Removed: krastorio2_extended_endgame, WaterWell, Waterfill (RitnWaterfill). For balancing purpose, and endgame is dead on k2 after disabling the win.
		- Added: Induction Charging, GDIW - Gah! DarnItWater!.
Version: 0.0.5
Date: 2020.02.16

		- Fixing the startup settings to be forced by default for ability to place belts/inserters that partially fixed on 0.0.4. This update should work flawless without any issue. 
		- This wouldn't be possible without any help : AvengerStar , Xorimuth.
		- Disabled K2 loader, as replacement i considered to Miniloader.
Version: 0.0.4
Date: 2020.02.15

		- Attemping fix problems with placing inserters/transport belts and other types that was blacklist by default by noplacer, this time should fix the problems. Sorry for inconvenience, my bad.
		- People with 0.0.3 upgrading to 0.0.4 please go Settings - Mod Settings - press that red button near "search/find button" to reset settings to default, warning this might reset if you did edit a few things here, take a backup what you enabled/screenshot.
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 2020.02.10

		- Replaced FNEI with RecipeBook, Todolist with Not_Enough_Todo
Version: 0.0.2
Date: 2020.02.10

		- Initial release