KS Power

by Klonan

Adds a range of different power producing options

2 years ago
0.12 - 1.1

g How is steam created without water?

5 years ago

Nice mod, but it makes no sense it includes cheats.. How is steam produced without water, it makes the mod useless unless you like to cheat?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

if you don't want to cheat at all, use vanilla boilers for a powerplant.

if you don't want to cheat with the burner heaters, just don't use their steam output and use the power they generate directly (ignoring their internal workings, or assume some kind of thermoelectric generator (TEG), Seebeck generator, see also "reverse Peltier element"). there is NO need to connect them to steam engines or turbines, and their efficiency is low, as expected from such a TEG.
the possible steam output is probably only a side effect of them being based on the prototype of vanilla heaters.

if you need to set up an outpost in the desert and don't want to use cheated water sources or do long distance transports of water or steam by train, then the burner heaters are THE solution :-)

5 years ago

Burner generators no longer output any fluid, they make power directly now

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

thanks. thus they are non-cheaty real TEGs now :-)

otoh, i now will have to import steam for some assemblers/chemplants when using mods that require steam, and can't cheat any longer, LOL

btw: general thanks to you and the whole team for your work, and for your nice additional mods

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