Killkrog's Blueprint Manager deprecated

Adds ways to import/export and flip blueprints.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.15

i Import every exported blueprint?

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

While exporting blueprints to text files is great there needs to be a possibility to import all the exported blueprints back from FACTORIO\script-output\KBlueprints.

So we can finally easily take our blueprints from one save to another.
I got something like 64 blueprints now and its a pain in the ass to import them one by one every time i start a new map.

One button to import them all, one button to find them,
one button to bring them all and in the factorio bind them. :-)

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

God, I'd LOVE if that was possible...
Sadly the API offers no option to read files. We can only write them :\
So, sorry, but won't gonna happen :(

8 years ago

So is the recommended method of transfering a bunch of blueprints the Export All and Load All buttons?

8 years ago

Be careful though, because of how the game is written, it will crash in multiplayer when you try to import a big string. This bug is reported, known and will be fixed during the big multiplayer rewrite in 0.14

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