Heavy Machine Gun Turret for Krastorio2

Adds a semi-early Heavy Machine Gun turret for Krastorio 2 that takes Anti-Materiel Rifle magazines. Generates AMR magazines if MWR is disabled. Damage and fire rate bonuses on the ammo and turret may not persist if MWR is enabled or disabled on a prior save.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

a Sprite/Model

3 years ago

Just to let people know, I am playing with Blender to eventually put together a proper sprite/model for the HMG turret (and thumbnail for the mod itself). The ingame sprite is just currently a recolor of the vanilla gun turret, but hopefully I'll be able to make a sprite that makes use of a more robust mounting plate and houses a pair of single-barreled guns. If I can get the muzzle flashes to alternate between the barrel ends when firing, even better.

One might say it'll be like someone strapped /two/ AMRs into a gun turret ; )

I really like this mod and it is very useful when combined with Hero Turrets. Can't wait to see what sprite you come up with. Very cool man.

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