Junk Train

by d3x0r

Adds weak tier 0 trains with much lower tech requirements, but more limits. Graphics by kaueNP and d3x0r!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

g Changelog?

5 years ago

Did you fix the crashes also with the update to support Factorio 0.17 (without the extra .17)?
I can't find the release of this mod for Factorio 0.17.17. Did you remove it from the list?

There are no responses in the threads and I had a crash when I tried this mod out.
https://www80.zippyshare.com/v/LMQAzheF/file.html interaction with Autobuild that the author of that mod says he did a workaround for, which I guess means there are some issue with JT that could potentially still cause issues.

5 years ago

This was only tested with latest 0.17.x branch; I didn't know it was crashing on 0.17.17.
I updated the version number to relate to the game version number more clearly (minus the minor verison)

5 years ago

I wasn't using Factorio 0.17.17 though. Forgot to tell you that I removed the last .17 to be able to run the mod :s

5 years ago

Apparently I was using https://mods.factorio.com/mod/JunkTrain3
Qonfusing when several mods have the same name...

New response