Goldsword44's JunkRails

Adds weak tier 0 trains with much lower tech requirements, but more limits. Graphics by kaueNP and d3x0r!

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

i Idea to better fit progression

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I had made a change to the mod for my .14.x modpack, and I wanted to mention how well it ended up working for me.

EDIT: I am now aware that 0.0.8 made some of these changes as well, but I want to keep my original steps taken shown so that it helps show the new flow.

I had renamed the train to "Prototype Train", removed the scrap rails and scrap train stops outright.

I then moved "Prototype Trains" directly after "Steel-processing", adding the vanilla rails, and the train stops.

which afterwards "Railway" would instead be "Advanced trains" and only add in vanilla train and cargo wagon. (this would remain in it's current place in the research tree)

after that, I have "Rail signals" replacing "Automated Rail Transportation", as it is now empty, due to its contents being moved to "Prototype Trains" and "Advanced Trains".

I felt this was a better approach overall to progression, without added clutter.

What do you think of this overall change?

New response