JanSharp's Gui Library deprecated

A Gui Helper/Handler library. It's goal is to simplify management of LuaGuiElements. Which includes creation, deletion, element specific data handling with save-load support and event handling. It uses a class system and provides "basic class" implementations for all types of LuaGuiElements - they simplify the definition of children and handling events of said children. Read the wiki for full documentation (see homepage).

3 years ago
0.17 - 0.18


Version: 0.18.3
Date: 2020.05.18
      This mod will be unsupported once flib is released
      (flib is a universal library)
      While this mod simplifies guis in general, it also adds some complications
      For example migration.
      But also internally, for it to be "smart" and enable the features it has,
      it has to do a lot more work when creating and deleting gui elements.
      which is slow, and hurts performance when creating big, complex guis.
      Additionally the mod has to store a lot of data in 'global'.
      Which decreases save and load speed.
      Also, having data per gui element in global means it has to be cleaned up
      whenever a gui element gets destroyed, but gui elements can get destroyed
      without the mod knowing about it, which means there would have to be a
      periodic cleanup system running in the background (this is currently not even
      flib's gui module does less than this mod, which fixes all the issues this mod has.
      with the only downside of a bit less sugar for the programmer.

      With that out of the way, i may still implement all the missing features for this mod
      before unsupporting it, but no guarantees.
    - Remove debugadapter require
Version: 0.18.2
Date: 2020.02.08
    - Normalized all require() paths
    - Fix loading a save which never had guis in it modifies global and causes an error
Version: 0.18.1
Date: 2020.01.22
    - Update for 0.18.0
    - Remove random event handler in control.lua
Version: 0.17.3
Date: 2019.12.31
    - Remove contact from info.json
    - Rename mod from Jan1i3's Gui Library to JanSharp's Gui Library
      (Creating new mod and deprecating previous one)
Version: 0.17.2
Date: 2019.12.28
  Minor Features:
    - Add name_for_events for basic classes, enabling multiple basic class children
      to use the same handler function of the passed_parent's class.
    - Add check in on_load if the class of every inst still exists
      and throw a proper error if it does not
    - Improve in-game mod description
Version: 0.17.1
Date: 2019.12.27
    - Initial Release