Jan1i3's Gui Library deprecated

A Gui Helper/Handler library. It's goal is to simplify management of LuaGuiElements. Which includes creation, deletion, element specific data handling with save-load support and event handling. It uses a class system and provides "basic class" implementations for all types of LuaGuiElements - they simplify the definition of children and handling events of said children. Read the wiki for full documentation (see homepage).

4 years ago


Version: 0.17.3
Date: 2019.12.31
    - Rename mod to JanSharp's Gui Library (by creating a new mod)
      This mod will be deprecated in a few weeks!
      Remove this mod and download the new one
      then find replace in all your files "Jan1i3" to "JanSharp"
Version: 0.17.2
Date: 2019.12.28
  Minor Features:
    - Add name_for_events for basic classes, enabling multiple basic class children
      to use the same handler function of the passed_parent's class.
    - Add check in on_load if the class of every inst still exists
      and throw a proper error if it does not
    - Improve in-game mod description
Version: 0.17.1
Date: 2019.12.27
    - Initial Release