Scenarios Pack

This pack contains the following scenarios : - "New Hope (4 levels)" : The best learning campaign from Factorio 0.16 - "Hammer of the Gods" : You are a commando ! (by DarkSeahorse635) - "Lazy Bastard Challenge" : Be fast and efficient to prove your knowledge of the game Good luck and enjoy ! More details in the description.

4 years ago

g Gratulacje!

4 years ago

Świetna robota ziom! :D Super! Chciałbym też zrobić kampanię, ale nie wiem jak hehe

4 years ago

Hello Mr Ziomek,
Thanks for your congratulations. I appreciate a lot.
If you want to create your own campaign, try to read some articles with the search keys "factorio" "mod" "script". You can also unzip my mod or others mods, you will see good examples of how to write your own campaign.
You mainly need 2 files :
- (the map created through the map editor of Factorio)
- control.lua (the script in LUA language that you can edit with a text editor)
I encourage you to create your own campaign, I will try it for sure!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Bardzo dziękuję za poradę. Od razu skorzystam, od początku chciałem zrobić własną kampanię. Dzięki Tobie wiem jak za to się zabrać. Dam znać jak mi idzie (jak nie zapomnę). Jak zrobię, to opublikuję! Czekam też na twoją kampanię. :D

4 years ago

Mapy zrobiłem, tekst i zadania przygotowałem, zacząłem skryptować i......
i dziwny ten sam błąd mi wyskakuje. Patrzę i nie widzę problemu, według mnie wszystko jest dobrze... Nie rozumiem tego, walczę z tym już kilka dni i nie wiem już co robić :/ A jak Tobie idzie?

4 years ago

A o to ten błąd, którego nie powinno być, albo ja czegoś nie wiem"...Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:31: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 29) near 'action'".

4 years ago

Can you please write in english?
Can you also open a new thread if you are talking about a new bug?

4 years ago

I made the maps, I prepared the text and tasks, started to script and ......
and strange the same error pops up for me. I look and see no problem, in my opinion (and IT specialists) everything is good ... I do not understand it, I have been fighting it for several days and I do not know what to do: / And how are you doing?

And here is this error "... Data / Roaming / Factorio / temp / currently playback / control.lua: 31:"} "expected (until closing" {"in line 29) near" action "" Where should not be him. In my script I create.

4 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

What is written on lines 29 to 31 ?
It seems to be only a syntax error with { }
LUA is a language with a very poor syntax checking. You should use program like VScode to edit LUA to have a minimum of syntax ckecking.

New response