Invisible Character deprecated

by Deltius

Makes your character invisible

8 months ago

b Missing reference to required mod.

6 months ago

This mod does not work as is. There seems to be a reference to a mod in data.lua, but the required mod is not in info.json.
What mod do I need to use to get this mod to work?

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

I got it to work by copying the file properties.lua at Github, from one of your other mods into this one, and changed a line in data.lua to point to it.
(Also changed local variable name to reduce confusion.)

-- local properties = require("")
local myProperties = require("properties")

And now to disable all the sounds the character makes. :)

21 days ago

yeah im deprecating this mod, originally just copied it from sandbox emulator since i thought someone might want it but its whatever. since your comment the sounds and stuff have been removed by someone else who made a PR

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