
by Timeken

This mod adds some intermediates and is intented to be played with my other mods. This mod is inspired by Brevven's BZ mods. Most if not all art is placeholder

a month ago

b StartupCrash K2SE

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)


iam getting this after the update.


2 months ago

Me too.

2 months ago


2 months ago

It's a really bizarre and annoying bug to have, am I missing something?

2 months ago

Hey all,

I figured it out. The prerequisites in prototypes/technology.lua at line 45 have unneeded curly braces.

Currently it's
{{"production-science-pack"}, {"utility-science-pack"}}

where it should be
{"production-science-pack", "utility-science-pack"}

That fixes it. Or, at least, it loads and shows up in-game. Not sure if it's placed properly in the tech tree. My pack is custom and kind of a mess.
On a related note, the locale file needs that recipe's name added to it, currently it shows a broken name in-game.

2 months ago

I am loving the mods and look forward to the new content when it's fixed :)

2 months ago

Hope it works now

2 months ago

Sure now its all fine and its working. More pain 4 the brain.
Big thanks :)

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

This is working with all my mods (except when using Chemistry For You) in combination. I put the error message in that mods forum. Thanks Timeken!

It does remove a TON of stuff when I run it though. So I need to rollback again two versions ago and see if that works at least with it.

EDIT: This and everything works when I use IntermediatesForYou 0.4.2

New response