Ingos Advanced Start

Start with a special starter armor, which offers no protection, but includes exosceletons, robo ports, a fusion reactor and batteries. You also get 100 special (fast) starter construction bots and a few other basic starter items.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Crash when adding to existing save

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

If I try adding this to an existing save and I type "GiveArmorAndItems" into the chat, it crashes. I get this error:

Error while running event IngosAdvancedStart::on_console_chat (ID 71)
__IngosAdvancedStart__/control.lua:97: attempt to index local 'grid' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    __IngosAdvancedStart__/control.lua:97: in function 'on_player_creation'
    __IngosAdvancedStart__/control.lua:180: in function <__IngosAdvancedStart__/control.lua:144>

I'm doing a Ribbon Maze run.

4 years ago

I just tested this and it works fine. Judging from the error it seems like your character either has no armor slot or has already an armor in its armor slot.

New response