Ingos Advanced Start

Start with a special starter armor, which offers no protection, but includes exosceletons, robo ports, a fusion reactor and batteries. You also get 100 special (fast) starter construction bots and a few other basic starter items.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Work with Braver New World

4 years ago

Would you be receptive to a modification that would allow this mod to be used with Braver New World?

4 years ago

If you know how to do that then yes.
But I don't know how to make it "scenario-compatible", the starting items and the armor probably need to be inserted in the scenario itself.

Maybe you can give yourself the items from this mod with console commands when you are in the sceanrio.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I'm the maintainer for Braver New World. So, I can make it do anything I want it to. :-) I've actually been looking over it and thinking...

The robots from your mod are not well balanced for Braver New World, which is intended to be difficult in certain ways. The lack of power consumption gets around this in a way that makes it less interesting. Also, Braver New World really also needs logistics bots.

So, I think I'll just copy and adjust the code for creating the new robots add logistics bots, and make them a startup option in Braver New World for people who think the slowness of the robots at the beginning make it less fun. I might even see about making them wear out after awhile.

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