Ingos Advanced Start

Start with a special starter armor, which offers no protection, but includes exosceletons, robo ports, a fusion reactor and batteries. You also get 100 special (fast) starter construction bots and a few other basic starter items.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g The bots periodically stop working

5 years ago

Any ideas what would cause this? Loading from an autosave fixes it.

5 years ago

Not really. I don't think it has anything to do with the mod, the bots are just regular bots with zero energy consumption.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Does help? I tried to cut a piece of rail but the bots aren't doing anything despite being in my inventory. This time an autosave did not fix it and I tried disabling the mod and reenabling it.

4 years ago

Do you have the personal roboports deactivated? I think thats one of the buttons next to the toolbar.
If the roboports are active and the bots are in your inventory it should work.
Try also placing a regular bot in your inventory, if this one is beeing used the modded bots should also work.
That's all I can think of...

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