Ingos Advanced Start

Start with a special starter armor, which offers no protection, but includes exosceletons, robo ports, a fusion reactor and batteries. You also get 100 special (fast) starter construction bots and a few other basic starter items.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b does not work after updating

5 years ago

After updating it is not possible to start a new game

5 years ago

Since 0.17.34 its impossible to generate a new game.

Error while running event IngosAdvancedStart::on_player_created (ID 24)
real number expected got nil.
stack traceback:
IngosAdvancedStart/control.lua:57: in function <IngosAdvancedStart/control.lua:2>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_inventory'
IngosAdvancedStart/control.lua:57: in function <IngosAdvancedStart/control.lua:2>

5 years ago

Same here, crash on new game creation.
Hope you find the time to update soon, got really used to it to skip the burner stage and get into proper base/factory building, best "advanced start" mod I've tried so far, so kinda miss it now. ^^

5 years ago

Just uploaded V 1.0.1 which makes it compatible with Factorio V 0.17.35.
Have fun :)

5 years ago

Awesome! Thanks. ^^

5 years ago

Error while running event IngosAdvancedStart::on_player_created (ID 24)
real number expected got nil.
stack traceback:
IngosAdvancedStart/control.lua:57: in function <IngosAdvancedStart/control.lua:2>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_inventory'
IngosAdvancedStart/control.lua:57: in function <IngosAdvancedStart/control.lua:2>

got this same error :) 0.17.41 version

5 years ago

Its not possible to use installed equipment unless the required technology will be researched (robotik, personal robopot, exoskellet, personal reactor)

5 years ago

Both works fine for me in v 0.17.43.

The get_inventory error was fixed in v 1.0.1 of this mod, make sure you use the updated version...
The roboport is usable immediately, the exoskeletons need a little while to charge.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

v1.0.1 is not in the mod manager only v1.0.0.

Please can you reupload.

Edit: works fine from manual download here. Everybody posting the error log is downloading v1.0.0 in game.

5 years ago

using factorio 0.17.45, version 1.0.0 is downloaded when using the ingame mod manager,
and i get the same error (real expected, got nil) ...

i saw similar problems with the ingame mod portal with other mods too, and all of them seem to have in common that the versions are ordered "backwards". this also causes the "version" and "last updated" columns to be shown as "---" only. thus it seems to be a bug in factorio ...
as a temporary fix, the most current version can be downloaded directly from the mod portal website after deleting the old version (either in the mod directory or by deleting it in the ingame mod manager). but any attempt to download it ingame will end with the wrong version.

5 years ago

Interesting thought. Could be, changelogs are a pain... ;)

I uploaded v 1.0.2 with a fixed changelog file, let's see if that fixes the problem. I'm not sure atm, I uploaded more than 40 minutes ago but the new version still doesn't show up in my game.

5 years ago

it looks like we are downloading 1.0.0 because it is set for version "0.17" where all the other version are set to ONLY "0.17.35"

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thanks Joshua, that was it.
Alhough the line in the info.json said bigger than 0.17.35:
"dependencies": ["base >= 0.17.35"]
Guess that does't work...

New response