Infinite Inserter Capacity Bonus Research

by Nick1Z2

This Mod adds a infinity research for inserter capacity bonus. Everything from research scaling and research costs to the capacity bonus of the respective inserters can be adjusted.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Error on load and EN localization

3 months ago

use-space-science option makes the mod return an error on load, because the ingredient "space-science-pack" cant be 0

and the english localization is missing iicbr_ in front of use-space-science under [mod-settings-game]

3 months ago

Hey Ezonius,
Thanks for catching those issues! The problem with the "space-science-pack" ingredient causing an error when set to 0 is fixed now. The mod properly handles it if the "use-space-science" option is off.
Also, the missing iicbr_ prefix in the English localization for "use-space-science" is sorted out.
Both fixes are included in version 1.0.3. Let me know if you run into anything else!


3 months ago

That was fast, and it works, thanks :)

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