Infinite Technologies

by Optera

Adds infinite technologies for bot battery, bot cargo capacity, player logistics slots and inserter capacity. Normalizes infinite technologies to 60s and exponential 2^N formula, either can be disabled in startup settings.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Compatibility with SE

1 year, 9 months ago

There seem to be some pretty strange interactions with the current version of SE (0.6) and this mod, where the bot capacities techs has a slight space tech discrepancy, bot battery tech works fine, and the repeatable for inserters triggers far too early and doesn't use any of the advanced space techs despite the prerequisite using those space techs. I only have a problem with this because I figure the logisitical difficulty is what makes repeatables fair in SE, but its beyond my skills with adjusting code figure out why the techs act they way they do.

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